Aims: To study the various positions of vermiform appendix, and its relation to various diseases of the vermiform appendix, and average length and external diameter of the vermiform appendix. Materials & Methods: This study was conducted on 200 cases – 100 cadavers from the dissection laboratory with an age range of 50 – 90 years. The dissection was performed in the dissection hall of Smt. N.H.L. Municipal Medical College, Ahmedabad, B. J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, A.M.C.M.E.T. Medical College, Ahmedabad, and 100 cases from postmortum room of V. S. Hospital from August 2009 to December 2012. Result and Observation: classic coeliac trunk with emission of the left gastric, splenic and hepatic arteries was found in 76(76 %) cadavers. Haller's tripod, in which the three arteries originated at the same level and in the terminal portion of the coeliac trunk was observed in 18(18%) cadavers. In 16 cadavers inferior phrenic arteries originated from coeliac trunk was observed. In 8 cadaver’s variations regarding disposition of the left gastric, splenic and hepatic arteries also regarding the number of emitted arteries observed. Conclusion: Appendix is only organ in our body which has not constant anatomical position. From various positions of vermiform appendix we can understand the possible outcome of the appendicitis specifically location of site of pain.
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