Meridians systems are the pathways of qi and blood of TCM (Tradition Chinese Medicine). These systems include twelve regular meridians and eight extra meridians. The five Shu-points, namely the Well, Spring, Stream, River, and Sea, are an important grouping of acupuncture points of the twelve regular meridians. Five Shu-points on each Meridian located below the elbow and the knees are therapeutically pivotal in most styles of acupuncture needling. The Sea points of both the Yin and Yang meridians are among the most important acupuncture points for treating disorders. In order to explain the mechanism of meridian theory, infrared imaging (or thermal imaging) is one of techniques to investigate the phenomena of sensation transmission along channel in channel vessel theory. Assumed the qi can be shown by the thermal imager, based on the thermal graphic data the thermal imager was used to detect the temperature variation by needling the Sea points of a pair of Yin and Yang meridians named Large Intestine meridian of Hand Yangming and Lung meridian of Hand Taiyin. In this paper, it will show the temperature variations of Stream points of the chosen meridians are different by needling the Sea points of their corresponding meridians. And we can see the needling the Sea point of Yang meridian induced a temperature rising of its correlated Stream point. But needling the Sea point of Yin meridian deduced a temperature falling of its correlated Stream one.
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